Friday, January 25, 2013

Just the same

I reread this poem a few weeks ago and wanted to share it here.  Some people might wonder if a child who is adopted can or will be loved the same as a child who shares the same genetics with their parents.  Having only adopted our one little boy, all I can say is that I love Jacob so much and our family wouldn’t be the same without him.  I love him deeply and with my whole heart and soul the same as any mother loves her child.   I think this poem beautifully describes adoption and the love and joy it has brought to Rob, me, and our whole family.

Just the Same
By Diana Lynn Lacey

God sends rain
Straight from the sky
To nourish the young flower
and it grows.

God sends rain from the sky 
To the mountaintops,
Then over hills and through valleys 
Until it reaches the flower
and it grows, just the same.

God sends a child 
Straight from His realm
Into a mother's arms
and love grows.

God sends a child
From heaven to another's arms,
Then over hills and through valleys
Until he reaches the arms of his mother
and love grows, just the same.

Ensign April 2011

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